ADAPT Loddon Mallee takes a regional, learn-by-doing approach to climate change adaptation.
We aim to achieve climate justice through transformation, increasing community resilience by building climate knowledge, grassroots leadership skills and place-based adaptation action.
Climate change adaptation action will help individuals, communities, organisations and natural systems to deal with the impacts of climate change that cannot be avoided.
Our pilot initiatives have helped us to understand how climate change is impacting our communities and identify local adaptation priorities. Learning from these initiatives and projects will help us get climate-ready and inform a plan to get our region climate-ready.

Find out how to support your community to understand how climate change is impacting our region so they can plan and prepare to manage risks.

Find out more about the impacts of climate change on Country and Aboriginal communities and apply for microfunding.

Have your voice heard in planning for a climate ready future and get involved in exciting local activities with like-minded young people.

Learn more about local climate risks with our local climate update and find out what’s planning happening across Victoria.

Find out how we engaged with our communities across the region and what we heard.

To help us achieve climate justice and reduce disproportionate climate risks across our communities.
We acknowledge the First Peoples of the Loddon Mallee and their/our longstanding, rich and resilient cultures, rights and responsibilities to Country, and genuinely pay respect to their/our knowledge holders, leaders, Elders past, present and future.